Wednesday 19 May 2010

An Introduction to Start...

Welcome to anyone thats stopped by to read this :) I made this account here at yesterday, and would like to introduce my a bit here for the moment.. the best way to know me is to get in touch, leave comments, or emails or whatever i will be happy to reply..but being multifaceted all i can do is glive a glimpse of who i am..
I was born and raised in Upstate NY, American..cow country pretty much lol.. but left at 18 to move and settle with my partner and our child in Northern Wales in the UK..I tend not to like labels (i know its cliche these days but i really dont)! and to me nationality is only a label and at the end of the day, despite race, colour, chosen faiths, class system nonsense..we are ONE species. human. we are mankind and it would so very nice if the world were to wake and understand this. but alas, many sadly do not, and so the wars, fights and angry people world over will not come to an end otherwise.
Over the past few months i have been hearing a great deal of something know as the NWO (New World Order) which would take away those national boarders and we all would just be 'Earthlings' the people who have been working on such an agenda are what are known as the 'elites' those in power and control and of influence.. in theory, i have to say i like the idea of the whole earth just being ONE for the first time..well... ever really.. but there are downsides to this too due to those in charge of this possible plan in the making. World leaders, at least it seems over the years.. do not give a toss about the general public..i am hard pressed to say they even have an element of care for the whatever plans they are making make me and many others i know very nervous indeed as to how this possible path for the future will effect ourselves and our planet in its entirety.. i have no problem at all with their theory on doing so, but a problem with those leading the plans in the making..only time will tell with this situation though.
As my profile states, i have got many opinions, which tend to either anger and offend people or are embraced and understood by others.. so really, if you are one who becomes easily offended, this blog may not be the place for you.. though i do love a good intelligent debate lol..if my words trigger any thoughts or feelings youd like to let me know of, bad and not so bad, either way lol..
I've had many different interests and topics of research over the years, tough i dont believe in organized religion in any shape or form, i love the study of faiths and religions...i just cant bring myself to understand empty blind faith.. and i love Christians that dont believe in UFOs because they havent ever seen one. ahem. so you have sat and had a cuppa and some sandwiches with god and jesus themselves? if so, fair enough.. but i do have my doubts lol
I am a very natural person in many ways.. since childhood i have held a very deep bond and adoration for Mother Nature..and i hold great respect for this planet itself.. we recycle everything possible, grow our own fruits and veg, have a compost pile for vegi and natural scraps, and people who litter throw me into a rage.. watching mcDonald packagings fly out of a car window make me want to follow them to slash their tires lol.. i am 28 and as a child, if i did such a thing, i would have certainly and understandably got a back hand for it, but what baffles me are the older generations who do the same, and the kids who throw their sweets wrappers and pepsi bottles (plastic of course ) onto the ground while their parents watch!
For work i am a co-owener with my partner in a freelance photography business that focuses mainly on alternative aspects, for example handfastings (a Pagan wedding for anyone who isnt sure) quickenings (Pagan christening and naming of new born children) and other ceremonies that people may not feel too comfortable having a 'normal' photographer there for the festivities.. apart from that i do a lot of nature photography which are sold as prints, and also kink and fetish lifestyle photography.. so there are times it can certainly keep me hopping! but apart from that i am a fairly, old fashioned stay at home mother and house carer, part time model and full time, forever deep thinker. I have often been told that i think too much lol..
At only 28. i feel this world around us is going to pot completely, its just a matter of time really.. but i am very hopefull i am way off on that thought!
I havent ever seemed to fit into this society around us all.. for years it troubled me before realizing i dont want to be a part of the false society so many get caught up in.. many have escaped this entrapment to extents, but they are the minority i have noticed. Though i was born and raised in America, i consider myself and ex american and am working now on hand over my citizen ship to the country in order to cut all ties from the place.. my accent wont let me completely escape though damn it!
To me, humanity itself is just as facinating as it is scarily troubling. Humans are the absolute most unpredictable creatures on Earth, we are the only known species to kill for fun.. not just for self preservation or food.. and so so many cant even be bothered to look at the world around them. ignorance to some, i guess really is bliss.. though i dont get that.. i would by far rather be informed and questioning things than mindlessly accepting things at face value..i cant imagine that theres much, if anything, left in this world to actually be able to accurately take at face value.. my guess is its becoming more and more rare to do..
Ok, sorry this was an intro post and its gone a bit ranty is the way with me!
Over all, i am quite an open person who is hard, if not impossible to offend or shock...and i usually feel that people in todays world get offended by everything and anything.. political correctness has indeed gone absolutely insane over these past years..which in turn has snatched up yet more of our freedoms..i believe people should always be polite to others unless the other person gives a reason to not be given that respect, i am not the 'turn your cheek' kind of being.. someone hits me, they get hit back (metaphorically as well as physical) but over all being polite to ones fellow humans never really hurt anyone, and rudeness is pointless unless driven to have to be rude, which sadly at times its unavoidable. But so many people just really need to...chill..get rid of the media induced drama, it isnt needed. really, its not lol..
We havent any television at home (by choice, not because we cant afford a license or tv set)! and over the past 4 years without it, have noticed how much fulll our lives are.. my son, husband and myself havent actually missed having it for even a moment in that time.. thankfully we weren't too plugged in to begin with, that helped..
now that my son is 8 and has many friends around the same age, the difference between him and then is truly astonishing.. we have also cut out all food additives for flavours, colours and perservatives over the same time frame, and i cant even tell of all the differences in ourselfs we have noticed. i never would have previously thought it would make any difference, and there was much eye rolling at my partner when he began doing so first, but i quickly followed suit when i did my research! Thankfully, my mother taught me to cook, almost pro like, so most things we eat are made from hand so we know whats in it and where it came from.. There are many problems within our society, and its difficult to pinpoint just one or two causes, there are innumerable reasons for things going the way they are.. most just dont want to hear it.. they are comfortable within their false securities, fair enough.. but they are severely sheltering themselves and any children they have which is a whole different world of dangers.
Some say i am paranoid, and in ways, yeah i probably am.. but research has led me to certain conclusions i am unable to just ignore.
Its going to take a few days for me to have the chance to go through this site, and work it all out lol.. but will do so and will write more when time allows me to.
Please always free to leave comments or get in touch with me personally through email..i will always reply..well as long as ones polite when writing, i will reply..
That is all the time i have for now, but will certainly be ranting more in depth in time lol.
Tessa Lynn


  1. A great read Tessa. You raise many pertinent points. What a crazy world we live in. Many people though just don't respect it or anyone who lives in it. Yet what can you say! They are sleep walking!

  2. Oh yes! sleepwalking the populace certainly is.. one just wonders when or if they are bound to ever properly wake to the world around them.. i am hopefuly but not holding my breath on that.. obsessive watching of sports and mind numbing programmes on tv would be the first thing needed to go i think, and then comes eating healthier and coming to know their actual selves, not the fake face for the public, but a persons TRUE core. without that, one has very little to work with, and end up becoming mindless muppets.sad it certainly is.. thank you for comment here, it is greatly appreciated John :)
