Thursday 20 May 2010

A Few Topics In One Blog

First off, I hope that anyone that may be reading this is doing well, that life is treating you well.. it sometimes can lol...
I was thinking earlier today at how very strange a thing time itself is. Why do we completely compose our daily lives to this mysterious energy? How does it exist and from where does it come? (and nope 'the ether' doesnt work as an answer, thats a cop out lol) For someone who has a hectic life schedual, and their day is rigidly structured, they are in fact a slave to time.. timing rules their every moment.
Its been a facination of mine since childhood.. and always would wonder how, and why, someone managed to 'capture' time within a clock..years later a good friend of mine gave me the perspective that clocks, watches or any time piece does not capture time, but in fact measures it.. now this made -somehow, a great deal of sense..
While one is in the present time frame that they are in, it seems like nothing changes, until say, 7 or 10 years pass by and then you notice that people, places and life situations are very different than they were. If thats making sense outside of my own head! I'm sure that anyone who has had a child or younger brothers and sisters that are quite drastically younger, have noticed this... before having my son i didnt truly understand what others meant when everyone i knew would say 'oh it goes so fast, enjoy their childhood' it really does go by quicker than you ever could notice at the time.. while living life, it even seems to be in stagnation to some extent, but looking back, a great deal has changed. Is that time? or is that just perspective and perception?
There are by far, more questions in our world, our galaxy, and our reason for being on this beautiful blue ball.. than there are answers..perhaps, one day.
Topic change-lol A friend of mine were talking the other day, and he made the statement that when a person no longer fears death, and comes to terms with death itself, that its extremely difficult for the human mind to do this, hence the mythologies of after life lands of paradises throughout comfort a person. But that once a person loses that fear, they are truly free and insinuated that those who have done so are some how different to the majority of others..personally.. I have as of presently, never had any near death experiences..(ok so i was in positions where i technically SHOULD have ended up dead, but thats different) lol.. and I just never feared death.. to be honest, I welcome and look forward to it one day.. I am hopefully to gain understanding and to find answers I have sought after for my lifetime, when death comes..and damn it, I want to know who was right about what happens lol..petty, yes.. but i still would like to figure that one out!
The only fear that comes with my thought of death is in dying too soon.. leaving my young son without his mother.. and leaving all of my loved ones.. its for them I fear going, but not the aspect of the known life cycle of death and re-birth (yes I do believe in reincarnation 100%) itself, that part interests me greatly and I am pretty psyched to get there one day! just not before my time if I am to have any say over it.. but it doesnt make me feel more free, it doesnt make me feel that I am somehow different than others..nothing like that.. it just isnt a big deal I suppose.
It is sort of like the so called in Psychology 'Victim Mentality' where a person never wants to get over a traumatic experience or whatever so they can move onwards to a fulfilling life.. some seem to prefer just going on daytime talk shows or constantly being depressed and whining to their friends about how they were attacked, in an abusive relationship, sexually assulted during child hood, rape and so on..all tragic, scary events to go through (i know from first hand experience on some of the above mentioned)
But what good does it do to spend ones whole life in a shell of despair because of their experiences instead of growing up, realizing they survived the ordeal and move onwards.. the victim mentality is also similiar to the kind of girls who call 'rape'! for attention.. and its a sad mind set to be in i am sure..and by letting the event that took place ruin their live and very beings, they have in fact, let the abuser win, hands down.. they might not be around anymore physically, and thankfully so, but they still hold a fear, terror and complete mental control of the victim..the only way to win that is to let go.. get rid of the self help books and audio tapes and go onwards within your life and make a success out of it.. who the hell says you have to lead a no where life in isolation and misery over something that took place yet is over with.. i just get really aggrivated watching women whine and cry on national television at 50 odd years of age over something that took place when they were 16.. i know it sounds cold and insensitive and un politically correct..(as the heading to my whole blog site states and warns of) but i just find it a bit.....over the top, and can always think its being over played for attention and pity.
Sorry, had to rant about that, had an encounter today with a similiar women and i just couldnt understand why she is still carrying around such an issue with her, many years after the event and a happy life with a man she loves.. that isnt enough?? maybe others minds are simply more fragile and easy to break... i dont know..
~Tessa Lynn~

1 comment:

  1. An interesting post Tessa :) Time doesn't exist at all, its just another concept we use that is useful, but like all concepts that are woven into out consciousness, we have forgotten that is it just a concept, it has no basis in reality. All that 'Time,' is, is our attempt to measure the distance an object takes to get from point A to point B, in space. We call the process time.

    Oh yes, we are attached to time too, we cling to events in a so called past, as somehow having meaning for us in the here and now. so we let past events rule us, instead of letting go of the past and living in the eternal 'now.' People even spend a great deal of money visiting psychoanalysts, attempting to rid themselves of 'past traumas,' so sad, but also so hilarious.
    I look forward to reading many more of your aware and thought provoking blogs. What a change to find someone in blogland who knows what it all about. Love John.
